
Earned Media and B2B Content Marketing Strategy

Earned media coverage can give your story validation and resonance. So it’s important to share and amplify it to get the most ROI.

This is the third installment in our content marketing series. Our previous episodes focused on the art and science of content marketing and avoiding common B2B marketing mistakes. Look Left’s Bryan Scanlon and Matt Raven examine earned media’s role in a content marketing strategy. 

The media landscape is changing all the time, so a company’s earned media content marketing strategy must be flexible. And we find that the most successful companies place an emphasis on making sure that public relations, in-house content and SEO teams all work closely together. Here are a few of the highlights from the latest Look Left @ Marketing podcast:

  • According to Matt, PR strategies must have an element of earned media to yield results: “I’ve seen so many companies not leverage earned media in their broader content marketing strategy. We could publish a million times a day at Look Left about how great we are and how great our clients are and all the wonderful results that we achieve for them—and none of that would carry as much weight one credible endorsement from somebody who’s trusted in the field that has an objective point of view.”
  • Bryan points out that amplifying not-too-distant earned media can be beneficial: ”It’s OK to revisit old coverage and remind people of a great story. It’s kind of like Broadway. It might be the first time for that [person] to see Hamilton. But if you find that’s all you’re doing, you need to fix your earned media strategy.”
  • Matt says that the road to earned media doesn’t always run through a traditional reporter briefing: “When people are really interacting with a brand, and they’re talking to their peers about their experience with a brand, I would put that in [the earned media] bucket. Mostly because the brands I see with successful content marketing strategies that use earned media weave community engagement into that strategy.”

Listen to the podcast now, subscribe to catch every episode.

b2b content marketing strategy
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earned media

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